Thursday, January 28, 2016

I'm Snow Crafty, Part 2.5

The little project that I did during the snow day was altering this sleeveless purple shirt I found on clearance. The side seam was open a third of the way up, which at first I didn't mind since it didn't reveal anything and I would tuck it in anyway. But it made tucking hard and added some awkward looking volume on the bottom. So I sew up the side seem, which posed a challenge, since the seam was curved. But after I did it, it tucked so much better, as seen here. I unfortunately don't have a before picture. I'm also wearing the same skirt I made which I posted about earlier. 

The high neckline makes it look good with a collar too!

Somehow the pic ended up upside down... anyway, the seam ripper shows where the original slit started that I sewed until the two rounded sides separated. Nice work, no? 

Monday, January 25, 2016

I'm Snow Crafty, Part 2

....aaaaaaand we have elastic! 
So I was able to put the elastic in the casing and attach it to each headband, and viola! We have headbands! See Part 1 for pattern information. I'm not normally a headband person, but that may just have to change in the near future. 

Please excuse the sneaky little pink thread

Sunday, January 24, 2016

I'm Snow Crafty, Part 1

Snow day!
No church today, we got 2 feet of snow or more! So this was a great time to try out a new pattern I got from home. While at the shop where my mom sells her bags and purses, my sister bought an adorable headband. We found the pattern and I decided to try it. Unfortunately I hadn't gotten any of the right size elastic, so I will have to finish them later. I'm making view "C" without the flowers. I even made one of them to be reversible! 

Here is an idea of what the finished product will look like. So stay tuned for part 2 after a fabric run!

What else did I do on my snow days? I also altered a top that I got on clearance a while ago, didn't take any before photos, but maybe I'll post it the next time I wear it.