Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Mask Up!

Most of my sewing for the last 5 months have been making masks. I have used a free pattern from the sewing pattern company McCalls. I literally just spent 30 minute straight talking in this mask, in 90+ F degree heat (though we were in the shade) doing a pastoral visit with a couple - one spouse sitting outside with me, masked, and on speakerphone with the other, inside the still-locked-down living facility. That's right, I STILL have to visit through a window in the lobby by calling a special phone number so we can chat and look at each other through the window (Though I am very glad that I can do at least this much). So I talked, prayed, chatted, sweated, then gassed up my car (2nd time in 5 months).... and then it took me about a full minute of driving before I realized I still had my mask on.

It's not that hard.*

Plz excuse my mussed up collar

The McCalls Pattern can be found HERE.

*It is hard for many people for medical and other legitimite reasons. That's why the rest of us who can do it need to do it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Short and the Long

During this pandemic and the upheaval it's causing, I become more intentional with what I buy and what I spend money on - companies and products that are ethically sourced, fair trade, "green," or all of the above. I'm going be highlighting the things I have found that I like and I would love to hear about others!

*A brief word on Fast/ Cheap fashion. It's bad. Bad for the workers, bad for the environment, bad quality... just google it. There's lots of information out there now. Good clothes are going to cost money. Which does make ethical clothing less accessible. Which sucks, a lot.*

I found an organic cotton company call PACT. (I actually now have a pretty good min-wardrobe from them, with items that are comfortable and also look good on Zoom calls. I will feature these another time!)

Currently, I LOVE: These Men's Shorts from Pact. You'll notice I'm recommending the men's shorts, and not the women's (which I didn't bother with).  Both are the same price, but the women's shorts have a 3" inseam while the men's have a 9" inseam. Basically, women's shorts = same price, half the fabric. Come on, Pact! Be better than this! (No offence if you prefer short shorts I'm sure they're fine.) I have both blue and green, and will likely buy more.

These shorts are comfortable, cool, and have ALL THE POCKETS. I'm wearing a size small, though I could have gone up to a medium for a looser fit. Full price they are $60, but they very often have sales, and there are also so many codes available for bigger purchases.

I am also wearing a men's Pact shirt, but, that will be another post. I'm discovering that I love cotton, which is way better for my body temp regulation. Nothing is worst than sweating like crazy in synthetic material while social-distancing-hanging-out with friends on a 90 degree day!